May 21, 2020

Gum Chemical Solutions S.A. develops its activity in the area of Research, Development, Production and Commercialization of Turpentine, Rosin and its derivatives, and is committed to conduct its business in accordance with the commitments of corporate, social, quality, innovation, environment and safety responsibility.

The present Management System Policy consists of the following commitments:


The primary objective of Gum Chemical is to satisfy customers’ needs and requirements by providing them with products and services of high quality and safety.

This means developing products that are appropriate to their current needs and anticipating their future needs, maintaining close contact and listening to what they have to say.


We believe that the success of our company depends on the combination of the competence and the performance of dedicated workers.

Our guiding principles are:

> Respect for the individual, ensuring that all members of the organization understand their responsibility in mutual respect for the rights and dignity of each one.

> Encourage our workers to develop their skills and to take full advantage of their capabilities and potential, by fostering information exchange and open dialogue.

> Provide continuous training to members of the organization in technical areas, in good business practice, in health, safety and hygiene at work and personal development as a means of developing and maximizing their professional and personal skills.

> Recognize their performance and contribution to the success of the company.

> Promote diversity and equal opportunities.

> Provide a culture of safety that ensure the information, consultation and adequate participation of workers in the development and improvement of the Management System.

> Develop continuous tasks for the elimination of hazards and reduction of occupational health and safety risks, in order to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of injuries, accidents at work and harmful consequences for human health related to work.

> Promote ideal conditions for health and safety at work for all the members of the organization.


We seek to achieve a high level of corporate performance and responsibility in all activities, complying with all legal, normative and stakeholder requirements and others that the organization subscribe.

We strive to select and promote workers and managers with initiative and empathy in order to:

> Combine professional competence with a leadership style that motivates people to high performance.

> Have open-mindedness, a sense of priorities, a perception of the company’s needs and the courage to question the established knowledge.

> Are flexible enough to extend their field of expertise.

> Apply these business principles in their decisions and actions.

We are committed to a high ethical level of action that fully respects the legal and ethical principles that govern our business and the overall relationship of the organization with the market in general.

We demand from our partners and from all entities with whom we are involved, the same commitment to strict compliance with legal and ethical rules for the healthy development of businesses, in particular by scrupulously respecting the rules against corruption and any forms of favoring or obtaining undue advantages.


We seek to continuously create value for our shareholders/investors and achieve sustained high productivity.

Our goal is to remain committed to research, to ensure our growth and independence, to offer employment opportunities, to cover risks and to obtain attractive dividends on invested capital.


Gum Chemical is part of the local community and environment.

We are a socially responsible organization and we are committed to developing a constructive relationship in the environment where we are inserted, stimulating mutual contact and participation within the community, contributing to the mutual development, therefore:

> We maintain high ethical and social standards in our production and marketing activities, in our attitude towards science and innovation, in our efforts to protect the environment and to ensure good civic behavior.

> We also maintain a high standard in meeting local, national and international standards, cooperating with authorities and proactively communicating with the public.

> We recognize the need to work in partnership with shareholders/investors, seeking to regularly hear their views and take them into account.

> We uphold and respect human rights and the principles contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Fundamental Rights at Work stipulated by the Declaration of the World Labor Organization on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

> We uphold and respect the global principles of freedom of association, respect for diversity and non-discrimination, respect for workers’ rights, prohibition of harassment in the workplace and of child labor and fair compensation for work.


As part of our commitment to achieving sustainable development, we are committed to protect the environment, using proactively new processes and technologies that minimize the impact on the environment.

The objective is to produce in a sustainable way, with respect for individuals and the environment, aiming at high energy efficiency, pollution prevention, sustainable uses of resources and no complaints from the local community.


Innovation in all aspects of our business is the key to our success. Since our activity is linked to the area of
​technology, it is our objective to generate initiatives that create more value, internally and externally.
The innovation activities are centered in the Research and Development in the Production of Turpentine, Rosin and its derivatives.

In a world in constant evolution it is imperative to have an innovation system capable of reacting to change, showing a distinct positioning in the market.

It is fundamental for us to identify the new trends in their most early stages and to be open to the most innovative ideas.

We view change as an opportunity and complacency as a threat. Therefore, we encourage a position of openness to the world and change in all areas of our company.


Our principles and results are in line with the best industry practices, which includes a transparent information system to achieve the continuous improvement of the Quality, Innovation, Environment and Health and Security Management System.

We will continue to apply directives and processes that allow us to implement each of our principles at the corporate level.

All the commitments described previously are reflected in the establishment of management objectives to ensure the efficiency and suitability of the Management System.